Commenwealth Games Athletes Village

PP Developments Dalmarnock Village LP

For visiting athletes to experience during their stay in Scotland.

Working in a consortium of architects including Ian Simpson Architects, GM+AD, Elder and Cannon Architects and Nord, these competition proposals delivered a new urban district in Glasgow that was distinctively “Glaswegian” - for visiting athletes to experience during their stay in Scotland.

The development was planned in 2 phases. Phase 01, the overlay condition, addresses the creation of an Athletes Village where the project would be home to 1600 athletes during Glasgow’s 2014 Commonwealth Games. Phase 02, the legacy condition, adapts the accommodation creating 1200 housing units and a residential care home.

The design provides a flexible development framework for a residential led, low-rise, high-density, mixed-use development including live-work units, commercial / retail premises and leisure facilities adjacent to a new riverside park and walkway.

  • Area

    27,000 sqm




    PP Developments Dalmarnock Village LP

  • Architects - Reiach and Hall Architects

  • Working in a consortium of architects including Ian Simpson Architects, GM+AD, Elder and Cannon Architects and Nord, these competition proposals delivered a new urban district in Glasgow that was distinctively “Glaswegian” - for visiting athletes to experience during their stay in Scotland.

    The development was planned in 2 phases. Phase 01, the overlay condition, addresses the creation of an Athletes Village where the project would be home to 1600 athletes during Glasgow’s 2014 Commonwealth Games. Phase 02, the legacy condition, adapts the accommodation creating 1200 housing units and a residential care home.

    The design provides a flexible development framework for a residential led, low-rise, high-density, mixed-use development including live-work units, commercial / retail premises and leisure facilities adjacent to a new riverside park and walkway.

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