Leith Tram Depot

Mixed use masterplan for derelict industrial site in Edinburgh

Gross Accommodation delivered circa 50,000m2 including civic, healthcare, residential, supported living and commercial.

“The design promotes the idea of a ‘hub’ - this will be a lively and dynamic place at the social heart of the building.”

Reiach and Hall Architects have been preparing proposals for a new shared service facility in Leith, just off Leith Walk. The proposals have been conceived to maximise the potential benefits and opportunities for blended service delivery across the project partners.

There are four key measures embedded in the designs that will help the project partners and derive efficiencies in service delivery: An open and accessible ground floor, creation of a collaboration environment. inclusion of bespoke specialist facilities, provision of future proofed floorplates.

The open and accessible ground floor hub allows many different civic uses to group together, for example, services include; Library, Council Services, Health Services, Police, Shared Offices.

  • Area




  • Architects - Reiach and Hall Architects

    Quantity Surveyor - AECOM

    Structural Engineer - Goodson Associates

    M&E Engineer - Rybka

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