Meadowbank Arena & Sports Centre

City of Edinburgh Council

Public and high performance sports facilities.

Meadowbank Sports Centre has been at the heart of sport and physical activity in Edinburgh for almost 50 years. This project looked at the redevelopment of the site to provide modern and enhanced sporting facilities for City of Edinburgh Council. In July 2013 Reiach and Hall Architects, with Deloitte and The Sports Consultancy, won a competitive bid to carry out an options appraisal study, including stakeholder engagement, in relation to the redevelopment of Meadowbank Sports Centre and Stadium. The team carried out extensive consultation with National Sports Governing Bodies and existing users of Meadowbank and made recommendations on the sporting facility mix, with supporting concept drawings of minimum, medium and maximum options. In May 2014 Reiach and Hall Architects led a successful bid to progress the design of a New Meadowbank Sports Centre to the end of RIBA stage C, supported by a business case prepared by the Sports Consultancy. A schedule of accommodation was developed through numerous stakeholder briefing workshops with the design team, The City of Edinburgh Council, Edinburgh Leisure and sportscotland between August and November 2014.

To encourage increased participation in sport and to help improve performance, the experience of the spaces in the New Meadowbank need to be as inspiring and enjoyable as possible. Through the skilful use of daylight, proportion, scale, materials and clarity of organisation a positive sensory experience in all areas of the building can be achieved. For the architectural expression of the building long vistas and high degrees of transparency and abundant daylight were primary design drivers. The aim was to create a vibrant, welcoming and inspirational environment in which all the sports on offer are visually and physically accessible to all people as they travel through the building. Unfortunately, due to the introduction of a new procurement framework by the City Council, Reiach and Hall’s involvement in the project finished at the end of RIBA stage C. The building that is currently being built at Meadowbank bears no resemblance at all to the designs by Reiach and Hall.


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